Tag Archives: masterminds

Episode 87 – Omicron Action Plan for Restaurants

And welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. I wanted to give a big thank you out there for all the listeners and subscribers around the world that have become a member of The TRC Tribe. It’s a New Year and that always brings about excitement for change and also usually a bit of challenge. Right now Omicron is dominant the news as cases rip through our communities and once again has an impact on the restaurant industry. Are you feeling a little déjà vu? Well you’re not alone. If the pandemic of 2020 showed us that we need to expect the unexpected and have a plan. This last Sunday I did a training inside my private Facebook group called The Restaurant Coach Nation where I deliver free training each week to the members. This time I shared my Omicron Action Plan that Independent restaurant need to start implementing. So let’s jump into the training session…

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Episode 86 – The Ultimate Hiring Formula

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. I have some great news today! For those that have been asking for the audio-book versions of my best selling books Your Restaurant Sucks, Your Restaurant STILL Sucks and my booklet Outstanding Mindset are finally all available on Audible and at the iTunes Store! That’s right you can listen to the audio version and start getting the restaurant you want. Today, I want to share with you a chapter from the Your Restaurant Still Sucks audio book. Now, this audio-book was a beast full of content and it came it at over 12 hours packed with tools, tip, and ways you can make more while working less In your restaurant. I was honored to get professional narrator Sean Pratt…who is my favorite audio-book speaker and has done some high profile books for big name authors! This sample today hits home with a challenge many are facing today and that is hiring. So kick back and and enjoy…

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Episode 85 – How To Brainwash Your Staff

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. So, how’s this year been for you and your restaurant? Good? Great? Does it suck? Or is it incredible? Just know that wherever you are things will change. That’s part of life. You can’t stay the same or you won’t grow, if you don’t grow, you can evolve, and if you don’t evolve, you’re slowly dying. Look at the restaurant brands that are no longer open in your market today and you’ll see the same pattern. Restaurant opens. Restaurant gets busy because they’re new in town. They stop training and growing their people and sure enough they close. It might not be fast and that the sad part. They could just limp along for years before they life support cord is finally pulled. They could have been saved if they had asked for the right help. Instead they got input and ideas from others who were just looking out for them. Why is it that bad advice often disguises itself as good intentions? Now, if your listening to this podcast it means you don’t want that fate of slow death to happen to you. You want to break free from having your restaurant run your life and for that you need people. Not only good people, you need the right people. Once you have the right people on your team it’s time to brain wash them!

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Episode 84 – Fatal Mistakes That Restaurants Make

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. I just wrapped up my annual three day in person LIVE event called The Restaurant Success Summit and if you missed it…You missed over 18 hours of knowledge bombs being dropped from guest speakers like Kelley Jones, Bruce Irving, Bo Bryant, Zack Oates, Eva Ballarin and myself. It was intense and I saw a few people fill up two notebooks.

Now if you missed that…I have another opportunity for you to still get some tools that can get your restaurant ready to THRIVE in 2022. Starting November 17th I am going to be doing the 3-Days To Thrive Challenge! And here’s the best part…it’s totally FREE for the first 100 people to sign up. You give me three days and I’ll give you the very best tools I have shared with members over this past year that I have seen have the biggest impact on their culture and bottom line. You give me the commitment of your time and I’ll deliver the goods. Sound fair?

If you want I sign up just head over to 3DaysToThriveChallenge.com and save your spot. I’m going to keep it a small group so I wouldn’t wait. That’s www.3DayToThriveChallenge.com Okay. As I look back over these last 12 years I have spent building The Restaurant Coach brand I’ve looked over past coaching notes and I have identified the 19 most lethal mistakes that average restaurants make!

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Episode 83 – The Cure For the Labor Crisis

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. So let me ask you a question…are you having a hard time finding people to work at your restaurant? I hear from so many restaurant owners each week saying that the war for talent is on like Donkey Kong. But is it really? Do we have a war FOR talent or is this in reality a war WITH talent. When people say that “These kids today just don’t want to work” my reply is “that’s not true. They just don’t want to work for you.” I want to share with you today the same cure I teach members of my Restaurant Accelerator Coaching Program. I can say with 100% certainty that when you implement the things I am going to share with you on this episode, you won’t have a labor shortage again. And all of this started with a dream I had….

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Episode 82 – Lessons from Wolfgang Puck’s Kitchen with Gregg Brickman

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. If you are looking for the edge that could give you the breakthrough you want for your restaurant then check out a couple of my LIVE training sessions that I offer in Scottsdale, Arizona. Every other month I hold a very intimate and intense two-day workshop called The Restaurant Owner Bootcamp when we dig deep into The 8 Driving Forces of Restaurant Success. You can find more info and secure your seat for the next Bootcamp at www.RestaurantOwnerBootcamp.com. And every October I have my premier 3-day event called The Restaurant Success Summit with 5 other industry’s experts and a massive 18 hands-on workshops in just 3-days. You can get seats for this event at www.RestaurantSuccessSummit.com. Okay, no more sales pitches. Today, I am honored to have a long overdue conversation with a fellow Wolfgang Puck Alumni Chef Gregg Brickman. Greg and I ran the famous Wolfgang Puck Catering and as we look back we see that some of the best training we every received about build a team and culture came from those years with Wolf. Let’s jump into the interview…

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Episode 81 – The 12 Bullsh*t Lies You Tell Yourself

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. Make sure to mark you calendar and secure your seat for my annual Restaurant Success Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona this October 25-27th. It’s 3 intense days with 18 workshops and six industry experts that are all committed to you breaking free from average. You can grab a ticket while they are available at www.RestaurantSuccessSummit.com. So, today, I have a treat for you. I’m going to share a chapter from the NEW audio-book edition of Your Restaurant Still Sucks. Yes for a few years now people having been asking me when are your books coming out on audio. Well, the first one is here and available on Audible and iTunes. My second book Your Restaurant Still Sucks in is production and my third book Your Restaurant Culture Sucks and the audio will be out just before Christmas. I want to give you fair warning that I hired a professional narrator…Sean Pratt to read my books for the audio version and there is a few reasons why. Number one: he’s a professional and has recorded 1000’s of book from some big name authors so I was honored that he liked my books and agreed to do them. Number Two: he’s damn good. Wait until you take a listen and you’ll see that he brings a great entertainment angle to the books and I myself have listened to it five times already! And number three: I teach my coaching clients to outsource things that they do in their restaurant to others so they can focus more on working ON their restaurant instead on IN their restaurant. This was a time when I felt that using a professional was a smart move that would allow me to focus more on coaching my clients, working with my Restaurant Masterminds group, and creating new courses for my Restaurant Coach University. I would have been a hypocrite if I didn’t follow my own advice. So without further a due, here is a sample from Your Restaurant Sucks….The 12 Bullshit Lies You Tell Yourself That Hold Your Restaurant Hostage

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Episode 80 – Running a Restaurant is Like Herding Cats

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant restaurant. If you haven’t heard, my first book: Your Restaurant Sucks is going to be available on Audible! I was fortunate to work with Professional narrator Sean Pratt on this project. The book sounds amazing and I hope you enjoy the audio version as much as I do! On today’s episode, I am taking you behind the scenes and letting you sit in on a team coaching session where I talk about how restaurant leadership is a lot like herding cats. Now, if you think herding cats is easy…think again. Take notes and if you have questions, send me an email at donald@therestaurantcoach.com. Let’s jump into the session…

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Episode 79 -The Cure To Finding Staff…It’s Your Culture!

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. First off I want to announce some exciting news! My first book Your Restaurant Sucks is going to be available on Audible very soon as an audio book! Yes, I know it’s taken awhile to get here and I am very excited to finally be able to get that out. Also, my third book and the audio book for Your Restaurant Culture Sucks will both be released in October. I also have my two-day Restaurant Owner Bootcamp coming up…I’ll put a link in the show noted for details and how you can attend. And last but not least I am holding my 3-day Restaurant Success Summit this October 25-27 in Scottsdale with 15 sessions and I am bringing in four epic experts to show you how to set your restaurant up for massive success! Speaking about culture? Are you having a hard time finding people to work with you? If so, you are not alone. I honestly think that the restaurant industry has done this to ourselves by creating an work environment that is plagued as a bad joke. How do we overcome this stigma? By taking control of our culture and showing the world that your restaurant is different. In this episode I’m going to let you sit in on a training session I did for my Facebook group called The Restaurant Coach Nation. Let’s see how you can create a culture that attracts top talent…

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Episode 78 – Why Your Guest Journey is Mission Critical

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. What drives guest loyalty? Is it food? Is it service? Is it the decor? What if a little bit of everything that creates a specific guest journey. Your guest journey is a lot like your culture…it’s there weather you know it or not. And like your culture you either have a guest journey by design or default. It’s always better to create the one you want over the one your team wants. Today’s episode is from a session I did for the online Pizza Summit. The steps outlined in this session are what transforms an experience into a memorable one. It the formula to turn loyal guests into raving fans. Let’s jump into it…

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