Monthly Archives: May 2024

Episode 145 – The Reasons Why You Can’t Change Your Restaurant

Ready to 4X your restaurant’s revenue?

Join MY FREE 2-Hour Masterclass

Deep down, you know you should make changes in your restaurant.

But why don’t you stick around?

Despite knowing that changes are necessary, many of us find ourselves stuck in the same routines, unable to break free. In this episode, I will uncover the psychological barriers preventing change and provide actionable strategies to overcome them.

Discover the three key obstacles sabotaging your efforts and learn how to implement lasting change in your restaurant and personal life.

Free Training inside TRC Vault!

►Want to learn more about Warrior Restaurants? Watch the short film!

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending time working on the business rather than in it, then…


Episode 144 – Why Your Restaurant Sucks and How To Fix It!

Ready to 4X your restaurant’s revenue?

Join MY FREE 2-Hour Masterclass

Are you tired of your restaurant underperforming?

Listen to this episode to discover the core reason why your business isn’t living up to its potential and learn actionable steps to turn things around.

Learn the strategies to elevate your restaurant from “sucks” to stellar and make your dreams of success a reality.

Join my TRC Vault for FREE!

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending time working ON the business rather than IN it, then…


Episode 143 – Is Your Restaurant a Monster Out of Control?

Ready to 4X your restaurant’s revenue?

Join MY FREE 2-Hour Masterclass

Today, we’re diving into the chaos, confusion, and destruction that can happen when your restaurant turns into a monster like Godzilla, wanting to devour everything in its sight.

Stick with me, and I’ll show you how to tame the beast, get back in the driver’s seat, and turn your restaurant into a place of order, efficiency, and profit.

Are you ready to conquer your own Godzilla?

Join my TRC Vault for FREE!

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending time working on the business rather than in it, then…


Episode 142 – 5 Things Your Staff Wishes You’d Stop Doing

Ready to 4X your restaurant’s revenue?

Join MY FREE 2-Hour Masterclass

As a leader, you might think you’re giving your team what they need, but are you?

Your staff has a secret wish list of things they wish you’d stop doing.

Today, we’re revealing the top 5 things your employees are silently begging you to change.

No more excuses, no more hiding – it’s time to elevate your leadership game.

Get ready to face the harsh truths head-on and transform into the leader your team deserves.

From playing favorites to leaving early during rushes, we’ll expose the habits that are holding you back.

Brace yourself for a reality check that will shake up your perspective and propel you toward becoming a true restaurant trailblazer.

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending time working on the business rather than in it, then…
