Tag Archives: marketing

Episode 94 – How To Catch Food Cost Thieves

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast it is the cure for the common restaurant. Inflation is a bitch and it’s going to get worse. In today’s episode, I am going to take you inside my elite conference that I hold every year in Scottsdale, Arizona. It’s called The Restaurant Success Summit and it is a three day mega marathon of workshops from myself and other leading industry experts all curated to get you tools that you can use immediately inside your restaurant to get results! I have restaurant owners from over 12 countries attend this annual event. The next one will be October 24th to 26th and this year I am looking at being in experts to talk about Bitcoin, NFT’s, ghost kitchens, new labor models, delivery, social media, and how to stop surviving and start thriving. Keep an eye out for the your opportunity to grab one of the 60 seats available in the next month! This episode is from The Restaurant Success Summit 2021 and the thing is these workshop is really relevant to what the economy is experiencing right now step inside and have a seat as I talk to my group on How to Catch Food Cost Thieves.

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Episode 93 – The 11 Traits of Outstanding Restaurants

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. These are rough times for restaurants and those that are going to thrive and just survive will need to change things. One thing is we need to rethink about how we treat our team and our who we allow to be on that team! I have coaching clients right now that have learned the hard lesson of what happens when you allow toxic people to poison your culture.

Think of a toxic person like cancer. What is the mission of cancer? To infect health cells and eventually kill the host. That’s the same purpose of toxic people inside your restaurant. They want to destroy you culture from the inside. They will infect the positive team members with drama, gossip, and start rumors to undermine your mission, core values, and vision. They only care about themselves. If you found out you had cancer, what would you do to treat it? You would attack it aggressively and without mercy. You’d even cut it out of needed. That’s the same thing you must do toxic people in your restaurant. You must remove them before they cause damage. I had a client that allowed a negative energy vampire to stay way to long. By the time they took action to remove the person from the team the toxic person had already infected other (once positive) people on their team and when they let him go…they lost half of their team in one day. Don’t wait to remove toxic people. There is no upside to having them infect the good people on your team.

On today’s podcast I wanted to invite you to a session I did this year at the largest conference in Europe for HORECA which stands for Hotel, Restaurant, and Cafes. Hospitality Innovation Planet (known as HIP) is held each year in Madrid, Spain and I have be honored to have spoken there 6 times now. In this session I was asked to talk about the 11 traits that the most successful restaurants in the US share..so without further a due have a seat in the audience at Expo HIP…

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Episode 92 – Embracing Culture and Diversity with Chef Omar Anani

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. Are you feeling the pressure to find and keep staff? You’re not alone. 80% of restaurants struggle with staffing. So, what do the other 20% do? They create a culture that amplifies the team experience over the guest experience. Now, before you say that is crazy talk…hear me out. Right now in your market there are other restaurants in operation. You all buy from the same vendors or suppliers. You all hire from the same labor pool. So why do 20% thrive and the other 80% struggle? It comes down to culture. I believe in culture SO much that my third book (Your Restaurant Culture Sucks) is focused on the exact steps you must take to create a culture that will allow you to fix the staffing issue so it doesn’t become an issue for you again. Okay, so since we’re talking about culture and change my guest today is the perfect example of both. Omar Anani is a James Beard Finalist for Best Chef in The Great Lakes 2022. He is also a member of my elite private coaching program called The Restaurant Accelerator. Yes, even celebrity chefs need a coach. I just got back from a 4 day site visit where I go to work side-by-side with him and his team at his restaurant called Saffron De Twah in Detroit. We sat down early in the morning to talk about where restaurants are now and some real great ideas to change your culture. Let’s jump into the conversation…

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Episode 91 – Restaurant Disruption with Jen Kern

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. Seriously, who wants to be common? Common is average and being average…well, it sucks. I don’t know about you, but doesn’t it seem like this year is already a roller coaster of crazy? Supply chain shortages. Inflation creeping up. Gas prices skyrocketing. It’s enough to make a grown person cry or start day drinking…which you really need to stop because that is just a whole other level of issue that requires some therapy! I feel that the word for this year is disruption. Everything we know is going to get shaken up throughout this year and you’ll need to get your adaptive superpowers ready to take advantage of opportunities when they pop up. My guest today is very familiar with the digital disruption going on in the restaurant industry! Jen Kern is a digital strategist for Qu which helps large restaurant group streamline their digital tools to be more effective. She’s also a high-energy powerhouse that loves restaurants and seriously wants you to get to the next level in your business. Let’s jump into the conversation…

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Episode 90 – Digital Restaurant Strategies with Carl Orsbourn & Meredith Sandland

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast it is the cure for the common restaurant. The digital frontier is here my friends and if your restaurant is not actively looking on creating a strategy that incorporates digital delivery into you revenue steams you are going to be in big trouble this year. Digital isn’t just about making it easier for your guests to buy, it’s about making it customizable and flexible to work with their lifestyle and their schedules. The pandemic took traditional dining and shook the shit out of it like a giant snow globe. And if you think things are going to go back to normal or like they were before 2020 you are fooling yourself. The law of the universe is that you must adapt or you become extinct! My guests today have a book out that I am recommending every restaurant owner and operator read because the information inside might just allow you to stay ahead of where the market is going. Carl Orsbourn and Meredith Sandland are the authors of Delivering The Digital Restaurant: Your Roadmap to The Future of Food. It’s also available on Audible for those that prefer to listen to books. Let’s jump into the interview and get ready to get your digital dining on….

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Episode 89 – Marketing Predictions for 2022 with Bruce Irving

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. This year is already starting off with a wave of new challenges…new COVID variants, increase supply chain shortages, and the struggle to attract talent. Now along with challenges also comes opportunities if you are bold enough to take advantage of them. On this episode I talk to Bruce Irving from Smart Pizza Marketing. Bruce is a genius when it comes to marketing local business and he especially thrives at helping pizzerias dominate their market with a solid marketing plan. In this interview, Bruce shares his outline for starting a restaurant marketing plan from scratch. Plus, we also discuss some really hot topics right now like TikTok, NFT’s and Cryptocurrency! Let’s jump into the conversation…

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Episode 84 – Fatal Mistakes That Restaurants Make

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. I just wrapped up my annual three day in person LIVE event called The Restaurant Success Summit and if you missed it…You missed over 18 hours of knowledge bombs being dropped from guest speakers like Kelley Jones, Bruce Irving, Bo Bryant, Zack Oates, Eva Ballarin and myself. It was intense and I saw a few people fill up two notebooks.

Now if you missed that…I have another opportunity for you to still get some tools that can get your restaurant ready to THRIVE in 2022. Starting November 17th I am going to be doing the 3-Days To Thrive Challenge! And here’s the best part…it’s totally FREE for the first 100 people to sign up. You give me three days and I’ll give you the very best tools I have shared with members over this past year that I have seen have the biggest impact on their culture and bottom line. You give me the commitment of your time and I’ll deliver the goods. Sound fair?

If you want I sign up just head over to 3DaysToThriveChallenge.com and save your spot. I’m going to keep it a small group so I wouldn’t wait. That’s www.3DayToThriveChallenge.com Okay. As I look back over these last 12 years I have spent building The Restaurant Coach brand I’ve looked over past coaching notes and I have identified the 19 most lethal mistakes that average restaurants make!

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Episode 79 -The Cure To Finding Staff…It’s Your Culture!

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. First off I want to announce some exciting news! My first book Your Restaurant Sucks is going to be available on Audible very soon as an audio book! Yes, I know it’s taken awhile to get here and I am very excited to finally be able to get that out. Also, my third book and the audio book for Your Restaurant Culture Sucks will both be released in October. I also have my two-day Restaurant Owner Bootcamp coming up…I’ll put a link in the show noted for details and how you can attend. And last but not least I am holding my 3-day Restaurant Success Summit this October 25-27 in Scottsdale with 15 sessions and I am bringing in four epic experts to show you how to set your restaurant up for massive success! Speaking about culture? Are you having a hard time finding people to work with you? If so, you are not alone. I honestly think that the restaurant industry has done this to ourselves by creating an work environment that is plagued as a bad joke. How do we overcome this stigma? By taking control of our culture and showing the world that your restaurant is different. In this episode I’m going to let you sit in on a training session I did for my Facebook group called The Restaurant Coach Nation. Let’s see how you can create a culture that attracts top talent…

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Episode 78 – Why Your Guest Journey is Mission Critical

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. What drives guest loyalty? Is it food? Is it service? Is it the decor? What if a little bit of everything that creates a specific guest journey. Your guest journey is a lot like your culture…it’s there weather you know it or not. And like your culture you either have a guest journey by design or default. It’s always better to create the one you want over the one your team wants. Today’s episode is from a session I did for the online Pizza Summit. The steps outlined in this session are what transforms an experience into a memorable one. It the formula to turn loyal guests into raving fans. Let’s jump into it…

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Episode 77 – Restaurant Success is 80% Mindset

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. I get interviewed quite often to be on other podcast and today I wanted to share with you an interview I did with Rev Ciancio and John Shaw from their Restaurant Executive Mastery Podcast. During this interview I am going to tell you exactly why restaurants get stuck and what you need to focus on TODAY to break free from your restaurant running you. Let’s jump into the interview…

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