Tag Archives: Leadership

Episode 66 – Get Your Mindset Right with Andrew Carlson

Welcome to episode 66 of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever considered joint a mastermind group. No, not Dr. Evils mastermind group like in Austin Powers. I’m taking about a group of independent restaurant owners like you that are sick and tired of their restaurant running them. In a mastermind group you get the best of coaching and consulting. Weekly educational calls where we share the roadmap to getting the want and the life you deserve. Plus, a Q&A call where we answer your questions live so you can get immediate answers to your challenges that you face at your restaurant. I joined my first mastermind about 5 years ago and it totally changed my mindset and my business forever.

I want you to experience they same results for your restaurant so here’s the deal. You can try out my mastermind group called Mastermind Foundations for 30-days for FREE! That’s right. Jump in today and joint the fasting growing restaurant mastermind group out there. All you need to do is head over to www.restaurantssimplified.com and click the Start now for Free button. It’s that easy.

Mindset is my favorite thing to talk about in my coaching programs is mindset because it is the one thing that you can improve immediately to start getting the restaurant you want and the life you deserve. I know you want a new checklist or some way to brainwash your team to follow your every command. Sorry, but any change to your restaurant is going to have to start with you. Your attitude. Your behavior. Your habits. Your mindset. Today my guest is not only a great friend and colleague in the industry, he is also a mindset coach that has over 100K followers on Tik Tok that tune into his tips to get their mindset on the right track. Let’s jump into the TRC studio with my guest…Andrew Carlson.

Episode 65 – Get Your Marketing Right with David “Rev” Ciancio

Welcome to another exciting episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant.

School is never out for the true professional.
If you are not learning, growing, and developing yourself as a leader then you are basically standing still.
That’s settling for less than a life you are capable of living!
You were not born to be average.
You were not designed to not live up to potential.
You have more inside you than you realize.
Getting a coach is the fast track to 10X your potential.
You can take the first step by joining my #1 group coaching program called The Restaurant Coach University.
Check it out and see if it’s a good fit for you…head over to:

Marketing is always a hot topic and with the changes happening around the world you might be curious as to what works. What if I told you that email marketing is still a great way to stay connected to your guests. In fact it solid gold according to my guest on this episode, David Rev Ciancio. I Think of Rev as the maestro of marketing and for one reason. He’s damn good at it. So when Rev talks I like to take notes. Let’s jump in today’s episode with my conversation with the one and only Rev Ciancio.

Episode 64 – The Reason Your Time Management SUCKS

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant.

On today’s episode it’s just you it’s just you and me. And I want to talk about the reason your time management sucks. Most restaurant owners feel that running a restaurant is a lot like getting stuck in quicksand.

That’s why I am going to give you the opportunity to try out coaching for yourself for just a dollar. The Restaurant Coach™ University is my #1 group coaching program in the world with members from 17 countries enrolled. It’s the fast track to getting results. You get 2 hours of LIVE coaching with me personally each month, plus 24/7 access to my private training library where I keep the good stuff and access to my private community where you can ask questions and get answers 7 days a week. Head over to the link in the show notes to get started now for $1 for the first 30-days.

Join The Restaurant Coach™ University for Just $1

Episode 63 – Chasing Dreams with Phillip Ly of Swirlz Creamery

This is Donald Burns The Restaurant Coach. Before we jump into the episode I want to talk about an offer that is too good to refuse. You’ve heard on this show how finding a coach changed my life when I had my first restaurant and how a business coach in 2008 helped me rebrand my consulting company into what you know now as The Restaurant Coach. I can’t emphasize enough how powerful coaching is. The only real way to understand is to experience it for yourself. That’s why I am going to give you the opportunity to try out coaching for yourself for just a dollar. The Restaurant Coach™ University is my #1 group coaching program in the world with members from 17 countries enrolled. It’s the fast track to getting results. You get 2 hours of LIVE coaching with me personally each month, plus 24/7 access to my private training library where I keep the good stuff and access to my private community where you can ask questions and get answers 7 days a week. Head over to the link in the show notes to get started now for $1 for the first 30-days.

Join The Restaurant Coach™ University for Just $1

They say that experience is a great teacher. But, what if you don’t have a lot of experience? You push through with the two things you do have: passion and tenacity. My guest today has both. Phillip Lee is a young entrepreneur based in Los Angeles that took a 180 degree turn from the corporate career path he started on and decided to create an ice cream empire. His story is both an inspiration and a lesson in how coaching can help you compress decades of experience into days. Take notes and let’s get into the interview…

You can connect with Phillip at www.swirlzcreamery.com



Episode 62 – Profit First for Restaurants with Mike Michalowicz

Welcome to another episode of the restaurant coach podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. COVD-19 is truly shaken up the restaurant industry. While many restaurants have closed permanently, others have found new ways to generate sales and more importantly, profits. If you have ever struggled with profitability, then I welcome you to take our Restaurant KPI Challenge to see how much in profits you are leaving on the table. Just head over to www.restaurantkpimastery.com and click on the button that says “Take The KPI Challenge and See What’s Possible”…just answer a few questions and I am sure you are going to be shocked as to the number.


So, speaking of profits. Today on the show I am joined by author, speaker, educator, entrepreneur and just a really cool guy. Mike Michalowicz is basically a business badass who after making and losing a lot of money building and selling businesses, found the formula for making profits in your business. How about this? You take the profits out first! The restaurant industry is plagued by old mindsets and outdated business theories that not only need to be challenged, they need to be changed. Mike has seven books out that will help you start moving the needle to more profits and having a better life. First we need to break down and eliminate some of the ways we think about profits. Let’s jump into the conversation with Mike in the studio.

Show Links:



Episode 61- Start Your Own Restaurant Revolution with Rick Tramonto

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach™ Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. So, what do you believe in? God, the universe, and higher power? It is in times like these that faith is needed and tested. My guest today is not only a James Beard award winning chef and restaurateur, he is also the author with 7 books to his name including: Scars of a Chef, Amuse Bouche, Tru – A Cookbook, and American Brasserie. Rick Tramonto started out like many in a traditional apprenticeship program and through his hard work and having incredible mentors, built a culinary reputation that is second to none. He believes that in order to get through this pandemic you need three things: Faith, Focus, and the ability to move Forward. This is an episode packed with a lot of gold nuggets, so let’s jump into the interview.

Show links: Restaurant Revolution (NOLA)

If you want to increase your profits then grab a copy of me new eBook: 9 Ways to Make More Money in 90-Days

Have you signed up for the 5-Day Grow Your Restaurant Challenge? It starts Sunday, September 20-24th and it’s FREE!

Grow Your Restaurant Challenge




Episode 59 – The Future of Restaurants with Kyle Inserra

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. If you have listen to this show before you know I have a list of the seven deadly sins that you want to avoid.  The number one sin in any restaurant is mediocrity. The second sin is not knowing your numbers. I can give you the other five as well.

When it comes to helping you with sin number two: not knowing your numbers, I have a solution. Check out my new program called Restaurant KPI Mastery. I partnered up with the number one KPI and efficiency consultant in the world, Darren Manzari to create a new program that has been beta tested with 100 independent restaurants in 7 countries has shown an average increase of 8-12% for clients. One client actually has been consistently hit 18% for the last three months and this is with COVID happening! Head over to www.RestaurantKPIMastery.com to get a demo and see if it can help you and your restaurant.

Today on the show I am joined by restaurateur and real estate expert Kyle Inserra. Kyle is my go to person when I have clients that need guidance on how to create a partnership with their landlord. Now it the perfect time to either renegotiate with your current landlord or maybe even find a better location for your restaurant. Before we jump into the interview, A quick shout out to our sponsors for this show. If you are looking for a badass POS System to compliment your badass restaurant, then go and check out Upserve at www.upserve.com. Okay, let’s get to it…

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750


Episode 58 – Create a Michelin Star Culture with Terrance Brennan

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. Are you setting the expectations for your team? Are you really holding them accountable? You might be a little disappointed with yourself when you get honest about what is really going on inside your restaurant’s culture. Your restaurant’s culture is the life force of your brand. It creates energy that transcends and influences your staff. It trickles down, encompassing and shaping the guest experience.

Now on today’s show I am honored to have on this episode a good friend and Michelin Star award winning chef, Terrance Brennan. For as many awards as this man has won, I am in awe of how humble he is. This is a true leader in the restaurant world. Let’s jump into the interview

Show Links: www.terrancebrennan.com

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750


Episode 56 – How To Increase Profits with Darren Manzari

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. Let’s talk about where your restaurant is and where it should be with profits. We all know what we should be doing. That’s the problem most independent restaurants face, you should all over yourself! If you ever want to break free from average profits and stop your restaurant from running you, then you must turn those shoulds into musts. Today on the show I have the honor of having the number one Key Performance Indicator consultant in the world, Darren Manzari on the show to share ways he has taken his new restaurant from losing money in it’s first month to now averaging 17% profits. If you ever felt like your restaurant could be doing better, then settle in and listen to this conversation.

Show Links: www.RestaurantKPIMastery.com

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750

Episode 55 – 9 Ways to Make More Money

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. This is a special edition of the show. For this episode it’s just going to be a conversation between you and me. I know that many restaurants are really struggling with profits. I want to share with you 9 Ways to Make More Money in 90-Days on this episode.

So let me start off with a question…Have you ever wanted more money in the bank? I think most people would say yes. And I’m here today to tell you getting more money comes down to a few key things…and yes, they are all legal.

Show Links: www.RestaurantKPIMastery.com

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750