Tag Archives: Your Restaurant Still Sucks

Episode 56 – How To Increase Profits with Darren Manzari

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. Let’s talk about where your restaurant is and where it should be with profits. We all know what we should be doing. That’s the problem most independent restaurants face, you should all over yourself! If you ever want to break free from average profits and stop your restaurant from running you, then you must turn those shoulds into musts. Today on the show I have the honor of having the number one Key Performance Indicator consultant in the world, Darren Manzari on the show to share ways he has taken his new restaurant from losing money in it’s first month to now averaging 17% profits. If you ever felt like your restaurant could be doing better, then settle in and listen to this conversation.

Show Links: www.RestaurantKPIMastery.com

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750

Episode 55 – 9 Ways to Make More Money

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. This is a special edition of the show. For this episode it’s just going to be a conversation between you and me. I know that many restaurants are really struggling with profits. I want to share with you 9 Ways to Make More Money in 90-Days on this episode.

So let me start off with a question…Have you ever wanted more money in the bank? I think most people would say yes. And I’m here today to tell you getting more money comes down to a few key things…and yes, they are all legal.

Show Links: www.RestaurantKPIMastery.com

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750


Episode 54 – Badass Marketing with Bruce Irving

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach ™ Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. Now before we jump in today’s episode allow me to go on a little rant about what is the number one thing holding you back from getting the restaurant you want. You are lying to yourself. Denial is a powerful emotional drug that tempts us to stay where we are. It comes from that place inside of all of us that doesn’t want to know the truth. It’s the byproduct of the infamous comfort zone we all have. You know that place where we retreat to escape the world and feel really comfortable.

We avoid the truth because sometimes it can be both painful and fearful, that’s a double whammy! Your options, make the changes you know deep down inside that you must or stay safe in your comfort zone. You probably know what most people choose. They justify that decision to stay in their comfort zone by using what is known as verbal softeners. These are little white lies that are designed to make you feel good for now. Maybe you’ve heard or said some of these yourself:

Things are not that bad

It could be worse

Eventually they’ll change

It’s just a rut.

I love that last one. When people tell me they’re just in a rut I reply, the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

Here’s a thing, all those statements are fear dressed up as optimistic banter. You can convince yourself pretty much of anything, including how bad you’re supposedly not doing.

Here is my restaurant coach prescription: stop lying to yourself. If things are not 100% the way you want them, stop coming up with excuses and lies. You’ll never get what you want from your restaurant or from yourself for that matter, until you admit that things sometimes just suck.

If you want to stop working so hard and make more profits, then head over and check out restaurant KPI mastery. I partnered up with the number one KPI & efficiency consultant in the world, Darren Manzari to create a new program that has been beta tested with over 100 independent restaurants in seven countries. Honestly I was blown away with the results. Members of the group have been averaging an increase of 8 to 12% in their profits. One client actually has been consistently hitting 18% profit for the last three months and that is with COVID happening! Head over to www.restaurantKPImastery.com to get a demo and to see if it could help you in your restaurant.

Now let’s jump into the episode with marketing master, Bruce Irving from Smart Pizza Marketing. www.smartpizzamarketing.com

I want to hear from you! The easiest way to reach me is to text! +1 (505) 393-4750

Episode 53 – Leadership in a Crisis with Kelley Jones

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. Right now the COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on you as a leader! Join me and special guest, Kelley Jones, from Kelley Jones Hospitality and he drops tips you can apply NOW to become a better leader and emerge from this crisis even stronger.

But before we get to the interview, let me ask you a question about your numbers. Are you happy with the profits you are seeing currently? If not, what if I had a way to increase your profits 5-10% in the next 90-days? Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not. In fact, over 100 other independent restaurants have done exactly that by tracking and managing certain Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. In fact, I would bet that you could be leaving 5-15% on the table by not monitoring your KPIs. I partnered up with the leading KPI expert in the world, Darren Manzari and we created a system that will not only allow you to track and manage your KPIs, we’re going to coach you on how to improve them so you can put more money in the bank. You can start by taking the Restaurant KPI Mastery Challenge to see how effective you are right now at running your restaurant. It just takes a few minutes and I am sure the results will shock you. Head over to www.restaurantKPImastery.com  to take the challenge. Okay, let’s dig into the conversation with Kelley Jones…

Episode 52 – The New C-19 Economy with Chef Craig Shelton

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. On this episode I get to speak to James Beard award winning chef and consultant Craig Shelton as we discuss the new economy that will be formed from this crisis and how you can adapt to not only survive but to thrive.

Before we jump in to the interview allow me to ask you a question: Are you getting the help you need to take your restaurant to the level you know it can become? Are you the best version of yourself that you can be? If not, then we should have a talk about where your restaurant is now, where you want to be, and see if I can help you get there faster. Right now I am scheduling 1:1 Comeback calls for independent restaurant owners that want to get a plan together to rebound and recover from COVID-19. Here’s the catch, there isn’t one! I am will to give you an hour of my time if you are committed to showing up and being honest about how your restaurant is doing. This is not a call to whine about your team or your market. This is an action planning call to get you the restaurant you know it could be. Just head over to my website at www.therestaurantcoach.com to book your call today! Now, my calendar does fill up quickly, so don’t wait. Take some action and book you call with me today.

Okay, let’s jump into the conversation with Chef Craig Shelton…

Episode 51 – A Post Coronavirus Marketing Plan with Bruce Irving

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. On this episode we have a conversation with the one and only Bruce Irving from Smart Pizza Marketing as we dig down into creating your post COVID marketing plan.

But before we get to the interview, let’s about your numbers. Allow me to be honest with you. COVID -19 isn’t your fault, but how you ran your restaurant before COVID-19 is. Tracking and managing certain Key Performance Indicators or KPIs has never been so important. In fact, I would bet that you could be leaving 5-15% on the table by not monitoring your KPIs. I partnered up with the leading KPI expert in the world, Darren Manzari and we created a system that will not only allow you to track and manage your KPIs, we’re going to coach you on how to improve them so you can put more money in the bank. You can start by taking the Restaurant KPI Mastery Challenge to see how effective you are right now at running your restaurant. It just takes a few minutes and I am sure the results will shock you. Head over to www.restaurantKPImastery.com  to take the challenge. Okay enough of the sales pitch, let’s jump into the episode with Bruce Irving.

Episode 50 – How Restaurants Can Deal with COVID-19 with Bo Bryant

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. Today we have a special session focused on COVID-19 and what restaurants can do now to get through this pandemic. Joining me today is special guests Bo Bryant, The Restaurant Giant! Bo is an author and consultant based out of San Diego California. Now before we jump in I need to give a shout out to my favorite POS company out there Upserve. Not only do they have a badass point of sales system for your restaurant they also have the extras your need to be successful in the new Post COVID 19 economy with online orders and gift cards.

They are also a sponsor of my upcoming Conquer Online Restaurant Summit. What? You haven’t heard of it? It’s May 17-19 and it features 20 world class speakers from around the globe delivering 24 session that will get you ready for the new economy.

You can grab your seat at www.conquerrestaurantsummit.com.

Now let’s jump into the conversation with Bo Bryant.

Wrapping up, if you’ve never experienced the power of being in a mastermind group, this is your opportunity! I just relaunched my elite group called Restaurant Masterminds. It’s for independent restaurant owners looking for a plan to reopen your restaurant with confidence. We are creating a 10 step roadmap to get your restaurant ready to open!

Go to www.restaurantmasterminds.com to join today.

Episode 49 – Focus On the Now with Eva Ballarin

Welcome to a very special edition of the restaurant coach podcast. This coronavirus pandemic has really crushed not only the world, but the restaurant industry. Thousands of restaurants have closed permanently already and only the very strong will survive. In order to survive you are going to need to dig down deep in channel some inner strength that you may have not thought you had before. But you do, how I know this? Because you’re listening to this podcast. That makes you different than the average restaurant owner or operator. You want to grow you. You want to learn. You want to be better. You want more from yourself and your restaurant. And I’m here to give you that. On today’s show, I am very honored to have a dear friend of mine Eva Ballarin on the show. Eva is an international speaker, analyst, and hospitality lecturer who focuses on strategy. She is based in Barcelona Spain and speaks around the world helping restaurants maximize their potential through strategic innovation. So let’s jump into the episode.

Contact Eva: www.evaballain.com


FREE Webinar: The Coronavirus Action Plan for Restaurants


Coming Soon: CONQUER: The C-19 Restaurant Online Summit – 3-days, 17 speakers, 24 sessions…FREE access. Featuring: Eva Ballarin, Ramon Dios, Kelley Jones, Andrew Freeman, Brian Duncan, Doug Radkey, Darren Manzari, Bo Bryant, Juliette Gust, and many more!

Episode 48 – How to Become Unshakable

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast! This Coronavirus Pandemic has shaken up the restaurant world across the globe! To get you through this, you are going to have to dig down deep inside yourself and summon those superpowers you have let become dormant over the last few weeks or maybe even years.

This is episode 48, and today you need to hang on for a rough ride (which means be prepared for a few F-Bombs to be dropped) because we are going to have a talk about unleashing those superpowers I just mentioned. How to stop playing small so you can break free from where you are to getting the restaurant and life you know it can be. Especially now! You are going to need to get primal if you want to not just survive, if you want to thrive. If you are listening to this podcast, I know you want to succeed. How do I know this? Because you are listening to THIS podcast, you are a badass. So time to stop whining about what we lost, it’s gone—time to focus on what we can gain from this. Opportunity always comes after set back. You can’t see it now…but, believe me, it’s coming and those that are ready to grab it will win! Now, Please let me be clear that I don’t use expletive language to insult or put people down. I use it to break certain behavioral patterns to get you to wake up and pay attention. You’re listening to this podcast because you want more. More time. More money. More life! To do that, we have to get raw, real, and Relevant. I don’t want you wasting another day not moving your restaurant and your life forward, even if it is just a little. So, I will challenge you. I will push you. I will drop a few select words so you can wake the fuck up. My first business mentor sat me down and told me that I sucked at building a business, and he was right. I knew how to run a restaurant. But there is a big difference between running a restaurant and building a brand. And if you don’t think so, then you and I must talk! So, my passion and mission is to shake you out of the comfort zone you are in so you can have it all! Okay, enough of my rant for the day…let’s dive into the topic for today’s show…

A few years ago during one of the meetings of a mastermind group I was in of restaurant consultants and entrepreneurs, one of the members said a word that really got me thinking. They said that you had to be Unfuckwithable. I just love that word. Now for this episode I want you to change that to Unshakable!

Want to schedule a call on how to set your restaurant up with a solid comeback plan for the new post C-19 economy that will be created?

Schedule a call with me: www.therestaurantcoach.com




Episode 47 – What Restaurant Success Looks Like with Eric Cacciatore

This is episode 47 of The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. I am a believer that success leaves clues and patterns. If you are a savvy operator, you’ll keep you eyes open to these clues much like a detective works a case, piecing together the common thread to solve the mystery. I can tell you that will 100% certainly that restaurant success is not rocket science, it’s people science. The Restaurant Freedom Formula™ is my signature roadmap that can help you break free from your restaurant running you. How would more profits and more time for what matters to you change your life. I talked to a restaurant owner the other day who is a single father trying to turn around his struggling restaurant that does close to $2M in sales and get his profits are slipping away to almost nothing. I hear these stories all the time and the sad part is that his solution is to throw more hours into work hoping that things turn around. Working harder is not the answer. It’s working smarter. You have heard the common saying that you need to work on your business and not in your business. Well, how exactly do you do that? You need a roadmap that will develop the three pillars that all successful restaurants understand: Culture, Systems, and Strategy. You are invited to book a 1:1 call with me personally to discuss where your restaurant is now, where you want to be in 90-days, and let’s create a plan to get you there. Just go to my website at www.therestaurantcoach.com

Remember that it’s the people that make or break a restaurant. And the man who can help shed some insight into those people problems is Eric Cacciatore, the host of the popular restaurant podcast Restaurant Unstoppable! Eric has interviewed over 690 people for his show and has traveled over 50,000 miles in two last few years meeting people and sharing their stories. I have been honored to be a guest on Eric’s podcast a couple times and In today’s episode I turn the tables around and I get to interview him! There are quite a few gold nuggets in this episode so let’s jump into the interview….

Show Notes:

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

Episode 177:Octavio Mantilla

Episode 613: Horst Schulze

The Joe Rogan Experience