Tag Archives: restaurant masterminds

Episode 116 – Digital Maturity is the Way with Meredith Sandland and Carl Orsbourn

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant. Change. Weather you like it or not it’s happening. Most people don’t like change and long for the good old days…but the good old days weren’t always so good of your honest with yourself. Today I want to talk to you about two words: digital maturity. As we all know, the restaurant industry is highly competitive, and those who don’t adapt to the ever-changing landscape will be left behind. So let’s dive right into these the reasons why digital maturity is critical to restaurant success see how they can make a significant impact on your restaurant’s growth and long-term success with authors of Delivering The Digital Restaurant: The Path to Digital Maturity, Meredith Sandland and Carl Orsbourn.

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Delivery The Digital Restaurant: The Path to Digital Maturity

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Episode 115 – The Secret Sauce Behind Restaurant Success

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant!

I want to talk to the restaurant owner that wants more from their restaurant and their life. The rest of you can just keep doing the same things you’ve been doing. Now, for those that want more…I want you to know you can have it if you’re willing to commit to becoming more!

Making a real commitment is pledge that you will make it happen. It’s not wishful thinking or hoping things work out. It’s committing to either finding a way or making a way. When you’re filling committed you go all in! And I mean ALL IN. You become so focused that it borderlines on obsession.

Let me warn you know that when you become obsessed with a target or goal those closest to you will try to talk you out of it. They’ll say things like “Why can’t you just be happy with what you have?” or “If you push too much you might lose it all.”

Only those willing to push past their limits can ever find out how far they can go.

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Episode 114 – Sizzling Marketing Strategies with Bruce Irving


What’s hot and what’s not?

My guest today knows how to keep reinventing himself and his brands. Bruce Irving is the founder and host of Smart Pizza Marketing Podcast. He has multiple mastermind groups he runs for pizza restaurant owners, and decided to launch a travel agency with no real knowledge or experience and that brand will do over $3m in revenue this year!

Bruce is my go to resource for anything related to restaurant marketing and tends. Let’s jump in the studio and join the conversation….

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Grab the Audio Book of Your Restaurant Sucks

Learn more about Restaurant Masterminds

Episode 113 – The Standards-Culture Connection

Welcome to the Restaurant Coach Podcast it is the cure for the common restaurant! I mean, who really wants to be common? I guess those that endorse mediocrity. Since you here listen to this podcast I know that is not you! Okay, I’ve had a few email recently asking about my group coaching program called Restaurant Masterminds. A mastermind group program is one where there is a high level agenda or curriculum. In all of my coaching programs we follow the 3P Framework of People, Product and then Process in that order. Trust me when I say that after working with thousands of independent restaurants that I will tell you the exact steps you must take to break free of your restaurant running you and you’ll take that information and try to change the order around because there is a part of it you don’t like to work on and you’ll mess it all up.

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Learn more about Restaurant Masterminds

Episode 112- Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

Happy New Year and welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. Well it’s a new year and that means one thing…New Year’s resolutions! Now before you go crazy and start looking into your crystal ball for what might be. Let’s have a talk about why most resolutions fail for independent restaurants.

If you’re an independent restaurant looking to make changes in the year ahead, setting goals or resolutions can be a great starting point. But it’s important to understand why some resolutions may not succeed and be prepared for potential obstacles. So here are five reasons why your New Year’s resolutions may fail.

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Grab a Seat for my New Year New RestaurantPlanning Workshop

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Grab the Audio Book of Your Restaurant Sucks

Episode 111 – The Most Common Menu Mistakes Restaurants Make

Let’s talk about your menus. Your menu is your #1 marketing and profitability tool and yet so many just throw their menu’s together and wonder why they are not the cash cow they are suppose to be. Well, maybe you menu is too aggressive for your market…

Show Links:

New Year New Restaurant Planning Workshop

Grab a Seat for The Restaurant Owner Bootcamp January 30-31, 2023

Get the FREE 3 Frames To Thrive Training Series

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Grab the Audio Book of Your Restaurant Sucks

Episode 110 – Time Management for Restaurant Owners

If you consistently feel the counterproductive need to stay busy and to be doing a lot of things, write these words on a Post-It Note and read it every day:
Being busy is a form of laziness. It’s lazy thinking and indiscriminate action. Being busy is most often used as a guide for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions you must do.
Stop being busy and start being effective.

Let me give you some tips on how…

Show Links:

Grab a Seat for The Restaurant Owner Bootcamp January 30-31, 2023

Get the FREE 3 Frames To Thrive Training Series

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session

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Grab the Audio Book of Your Restaurant Sucks

Episode 109 – How Your Team Can Get a Raise in 90-Days (and Make You More Profits)

Welcome to the Restaurant Coach Podcast it is the cure for the common restaurant. Average happens way to often in our industry. I don’t think it has to be that way. You opened your restaurant with big goals and high standards. Then reality slapped you upside the head and you gave in a little to make the stress feel a little better. Big mistake.

You can’t let your team or others talk you into lowering you standards. You need motivated people around you to raise your restaurant to the level you want it to be. So, how can you do that? Educate you team and help them become better people. All business problems are people problems. You can fight this or you can get to work fixing the people problems. So many of my podcast are directed for the restaurant owners or operators (I hate the word manager BTW).

On this episode I want to take you inside a training session I did in my private (and FREE) Facebook group called The Restaurant Coach Nation. I’m going to show the people on your team how to get a raise in 90-days that helps them make more money and helps you make more profits. Let’s jump in….

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3 Days To Thrive Online Challenge

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Episode 108 – The 19 Fatal Mistakes Restaurants Make

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for those that refuse to accept mediocrity.

The year is rapidly coming to a close and that means it’s time to finish 2022 strong and set 2023 up for massive success. Every November I hold an online workshop series all centered around giving you some tools that you can use immediately to amp up your team, your menu, your marketing, your sales and your profits! It’s called The 3 Days To Thrive Challenge and it’s happening November 28th, 29th and 30th. You can head over to 3DaysToThriveChallenge.com to get signed up.

My third book: Your Restaurant Culture Sucks is going to be finally released as an audio book!  I want to give you a sneak peak into one of my favorite chapters.

So sit back, take notes and let’s talk about The 19 Fatal Mistakes Restaurants Make…

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3 Days To Thrive Online Challenge

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Episode 107 – What’s Holding You Back? Anchors and Accelerators!

Success is 80% psychological and 20% systems and strategies. This is we’re the majority of restaurant coaches go wrong…they coach on the 20%!

Every October I host my three day Restaurant Success Summit here in Arizona for my coaching members. On day one I always start with a mindset workshop because you learn to control your emotions and mindset is more critical that any new checklist or software. You learning more about your strengths. Your weaknesses. And what you should focus on over trying to control everything is the key to having a restaurant that doesn’t run your life.

On today’s episode, I was to take you into a workshop I did at a previous Restaurant Success Summit and introduce you to the idea of anchors and accelerators…let’s jump into the LIVE workshop…

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