Tag Archives: restaurant masterminds

Episode 76 – Listen To Your Guests Or Lose with Zack Oates

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. As restaurants recover from the pandemic you might have noticed a shift in guest dining behavior. While the pandemic did drive takeout and delivery to new heights…the demand is still high. Having a solid way to interact with your guests and maintain that sense of a “table touch” is what digital feedback is all about. My guest today is an expert at keeping that connection between your restaurant and the digital diner. Zack Oates is the founder of a company called Ovation. Not only is Zack an innovator, he’s also a really great guy that I am honored to call a friend. Let’s jump into my interview with Zack….

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Episode 75 – The REAL Secret to Restaurant Success is Culture

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast! It is the cure for the common restaurant. I’m putting the final edits on my third book called Your Restaurant Culture Sucks. I choose the topic of culture because I think it is the secret sauce that separates the good, from the great, from those that truly are outstanding in their market. Culture isn’t something that can be fixed quickly, especially if you’ve allowed a toxic one to run amuck in your restaurant. Today’s session is from a session I did in February 2020 at Hospitality Innovation Planet in Madrid. It has to be one of my favorite shows to speak at because they people there are like sponges when it comes to learning and improving themselves. The production is organized by my good friend and fellow consultant Eva Ballarin who runs a world class congress for those that want to become their best. If you have the chance to go then this is one show you want to put on your bucket list! Let’s go have a seat and image you’re there with me in Spain…

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Hospitality Innovation Planet

Eva Ballarin

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Episode 74 – Seven Rules for a Kick-Ass Restaurant

I know they say that rules were made to be broken and for independent restaurants you really do want to break them especially when it comes to your training systems and marketing. Now when it comes to culture and operations there are some rules that you want to follow like they were carved into stone like the commandments! In fact there are seven rules you must follow religiously if you want to have a kick-ass restaurant. Today’s Sunday Seminar was taken from the LIVE training I do each weekend inside my private Facebook group called The Restaurant Coach Nation. It’s FREE to join, just answer three questions to make sure you work in the restaurant industry so I can keep the riff raff out. Just head to Facebook and search for The Restaurant Coach Nation. It’s that easy.

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Episode 73 – Quantum Chef Sh*t with Adam Lamb

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. You know it’s sad that average is the new standard for most restaurants. Look around in your market now and you’ll see average restaurants everywhere. The bad news is that it lowers the bar for restaurants and you probably know of a couple average restaurants that are full night after night. Now the good news is that the bar has been lowered by the majority of average restaurants so you have an easier time to stand out above the mediocrity and become a leader in your market. How do I know you have the the potential to become outstanding? Because you’re here listening to this podcast. You’re here because you want to become better and for that…I am honored you decided to tune in. Now, today’s show is an interview with a good friend and culinary brother, Chef Adam Lamb. I love having conversations with interesting people that challenge your everyday perceptions of the world. Adam Lamb is just the chef to do that. He talks about the ups and downs of his career and takes you down to the quantum realm! Hang on for a wild ride…

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Episode 72 – The Four Building Blocks To Culture

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast…it is the cure for the common restaurant.

Each week I receive several questions from some restaurant owners frustrated and trying to get by in from their team… but the most common one is, “Why won’t my staff use my checklist?”

Great question! The short answer is you haven’t told them why they are important to them. With that being said your real issue isn’t how to create accountability among the team. The real issue is not understanding how accountability fits into the overall culture of your restaurant. You see there’s a strategy and a framework for everything.

So your options here are 1) Keep going down the rabbit hole trying to Google and YouTube answers of how to get team buying and ultimately waste more time and become increasingly frustrated in the process or 2) You could follow a proven step-by-step process that helps driven restaurateurs, motivated restaurant leaders, and independent restaurant owners like you double their profits while reducing the hours they work in the restaurant in as little as six months.

Now if I were already your coach I know which one I encourage you to choose. Now if you choose option one, no worries. Feel free to keep banging your head against the wall. Now if you think option two sounds better, if you’re tired of working long hours in your restaurant, if you don’t want a complex plan, and if you’re tired of trying to figure it all out by yourself then here’s what I recommend.

Book a free 45 minute success strategy session with me.

What we’re gonna do is just have a crystal clear conversation about what’s holding you back. I’m going to help you map out the step-by-step strategy that you can start using now to achieve your goals and will also see if I might be a good fit to help you reach those goals even faster. What’s the catch? You just need to take action and book it. Head over to my website at therestaurantcoach.com and book your strategy session with me now.

Today’s episode is taken from a free training I do every Sunday inside my private Facebook group called The Restaurant Coach Nation. You’re welcome to join the group for free just head over to Facebook look for The Restaurant Coach Nation, answer three simple questions that verifies that you actually work in the restaurant industry and you’re in.

It’s pretty simple right? All right let’s jump into the four building blocks to creating an outstanding culture. Fair warning, if you do not have all of these blocks in order your restaurant could be suffering. So take notes and let’s get to it.

Episode 71 – Farm to Fork and Art with Bernie Laskowski

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast…it is the cure for the common restaurant. So, how is your restaurant holding up as we recover from the pandemic and things are starting to readjust to the new normal? I would love to hear from you about what is your biggest challenge you are facing right now. You can text me at (505) 393-4750. Getting back to how things were before isn’t going to happen. The world changed and we as an industry must change too. My guest today is not only a friend, he is a fellow veteran and we actually worked together back in the early 2000’s (although he forgot that as you’ll hear)…I had to jog his memory. Bernie Laskowski is a chef, Restauranteur and just a great leader who has set up his expanding restaurant empire called Craft Urban out in the suburbs of Chicago. Let’s jump into the studio conversation with Chef Laskowski and me…

Craft Urban

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Episode 70 – Create a Culture That Attracts Talent

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast! It is the cure for the common restaurant. Today, was the first day for a series of LIVE training sessions that I am offering to members of my private Facebook group call The Restaurant Coach Nation. If you missed it, have no fear because this episode is going to take you inside the training session so you can get the information. Better yet will me to join The Restaurant Coach Nation of Facebook for FREE. You just need to answer three questions that keeps the riff raff out of the group! Head over to Facebook and search for The Restaurant Coach Nation or you can click the link here in the show notes. So, the training today was all about how to hire better and it starts with how you cultivate your culture. Let’s jump in…

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Is coaching right for you and your restaurant? Let’s talk about where your restaurant is now and where you want to be in 90-days. Book a FREE Success Strategy Session!

Episode 69 – STOP Lying To Yourself

Welcome to another episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. Now, a lot of restaurant experts out there want you to believe that restaurant success is complex. I believe that restaurant success is actually simple if you understand the combination that unlocks it. Most expert’s have a complex model for restaurant success that looks like a Rubik’s cube. The system I teach my clients is like a three number combination lock. Once you have the three numbers and place them in the right order, you can open the lock whenever you want. That’s the key. Most want you dependent on them and their system. I want to teach you the principles that are the combination to success so you have the power to unlock it when you want to. If you want to learn the secret to restaurant success…I’ll give it to you. Just book a 1:1 Success Call with me and I will show you the exact combination you need to make more and work less in your restaurant. Head over to my website at www.therestaurantcoach.com and click on any of the buttons there that say “Book Your Success Session”.

Episode 68 – How to Grow Profits in 30-Days (Part One)

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant. I want to share a secret with you on how my brands have blown up over the last couple of years. I was like a lot of people working hard each day to build my brand and to get more sales. Then a good friend of my named Bruce Irving (from Smart Pizza Marketing) asked if I wanted to join a high level mastermind group he was starting. I have never been in one before, but Bruce was quite adamant that it would be well worth my time. I joined and honestly I was a little reluctant. Then I started to see for myself what all the hype around mastermind groups was all about. My business doubled in the next six months. And it’s doubled every year since I joined that group 5 years ago. If I had known now how powerful a mastermind group would have been, I would have joined one back in 2008 when I launched The Restaurant Coach brand. I want you to experience they same results for your restaurant so here’s the deal. You can try out my mastermind group called Mastermind Foundations for 30-days for FREE! That’s right. Jump in today and joint the fasting growing restaurant mastermind group out there. All you need to do is head over to www.restaurantssimplified.com and click the Start Now for Free button. It’s that easy.

Today on this episode you are going to be getting a look behind the scenes of how the synergy of a mastermind can get you results faster than you dreamed of. The Restaurant Coach Brand has a complete integrated coaching system that can get you from where you are now to where you want to be. I have a group program for wherever your restaurant is now and what your goals are. I have a mastermind group for those that want to work more on their restaurant and less in their restaurant. Masterminds work because they give you the tools and the accountability you need to stay on track. This episode is with my mastermind coaching partners Darren Manzari and Pamela Lee in a company we have called Restaurants Simplified. This is the first part of a three part series on what you can do to grow your profits to new levels. Let’s jump into the show…

Episode 67 – Shawn Walchef: Stop Boring People with Average Marketing

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast. It is the cure for the common restaurant.

I have a real treat for you today. What does it take to turn boring marketing into something that people like and share with others?

You need to start thinking in terms of media over just marketing and my guest today wrote the playbook on how he turned a small local bbq concept into a media powerhouse. Shawn Walchef is an expert that knows how to take average marketing and make it memorable. He also says that the key to his success long term is buried in a character trait his grandfather instilled in him and that is…curiosity. http://www.calibbq.media

School is never out for the true professional. If you are not learning, growing, and developing yourself as a leader then you are basically standing still. That’s settling for less than a life you are capable of living! You were not born to be average. You were not designed to not live up to potential. You have more inside you than you realize. Getting a coach is the fast track to 10X your potential. You can take the first step by joining my #1 group coaching program called The Restaurant Coach University. Check it out and see if it’s a good fit for you…Just head over to www.restaurantcoachuniversity.com and see for yourself what an incredible deal this is.

Now, let’s jump into the episode with Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media..

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The Power of Moments by Chip Heath

Top of Mind by John Hall