Tag Archives: profits

Episode 142 – 5 Things Your Staff Wishes You’d Stop Doing

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As a leader, you might think you’re giving your team what they need, but are you?

Your staff has a secret wish list of things they wish you’d stop doing.

Today, we’re revealing the top 5 things your employees are silently begging you to change.

No more excuses, no more hiding – it’s time to elevate your leadership game.

Get ready to face the harsh truths head-on and transform into the leader your team deserves.

From playing favorites to leaving early during rushes, we’ll expose the habits that are holding you back.

Brace yourself for a reality check that will shake up your perspective and propel you toward becoming a true restaurant trailblazer.

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending time working on the business rather than in it, then…


Episode 141 – Unleashing Profit Fury with Restaurant Growth

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it IS the cure for the common restaurant.

Today, we delve into a groundbreaking development in the restaurant industry. The Restaurant Coach® has merged with Sky Tale Digital, creating the innovative powerhouse known as Restaurant Growth. This merger is set to revolutionize the way restaurants operate and market themselves, combining the proven TRC Method™ with cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to help restaurant owners maximize their profitability and efficiency.

Why Restaurant Growth? The Vision Explained

The landscape of the restaurant industry has drastically shifted in recent years. Owners face myriad challenges, from managing day-to-day operations to adapting to rapid market changes and evolving consumer expectations. The formation of Restaurant Growth addresses these pain points head-on by integrating robust business coaching with dynamic digital marketing solutions.

Empowering Restaurateurs Worldwide

Restaurant Growth is not just a consultancy; it’s a lifeline for restaurants navigating the complexities of today’s market. By merging The Restaurant Coach® transformative TRC Method™ with Sky Tale Digital’s marketing prowess, we are uniquely positioned to:

  • Boost Your Online Presence: In the digital age, a restaurant’s online presence can be a make-or-break factor. Our tailored digital marketing strategies ensure that your restaurant not only survives but thrives.
  • Streamline Operations: With the TRC Method™, restaurants see significant improvements in efficiency and service delivery, enhancing guest satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Increase Profitability: Effective cost management and innovative marketing strategies under Restaurant Growth will drive your profits higher than ever before.
  • Enhance Customer Engagement: We leverage the latest digital tools to help you connect with your customers in meaningful ways, building loyalty and enhancing the dining experience.

The Restaurant Accelerator™ 2.0

Under Restaurant Growth, the Restaurant Accelerator program has been enhanced to offer more comprehensive support, guiding restaurant owners through intensive coaching tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s refining your business model, exploring new market opportunities, or revamping your marketing strategies, Restaurant Growth is here to guide you every step of the way.

A New Era for Restaurant Success

With this merger, Restaurant Growth is poised to set a new standard in the industry. We are here to dismantle the obstacles that have long plagued restaurateurs and pave the way for unprecedented success.

Subscribe and Join the Revolution

Tune into this insightful episode to learn more about how Restaurant Growth can catapult your business to new heights.

Visit www.RestaurantCoachMasterclass.com to join our FREE 2-hour Masterclass, and check out www.RestaurantGrowth.com to explore the full suite of services and insights we offer.

This isn’t just a change; it’s a transformation. Embrace the future of restaurant management with Restaurant Growth and turn the challenges of today into the achievements of tomorrow. Subscribe now and take the first step towards a more profitable, streamlined, and engaging restaurant operation.

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Episode 140 – From Passion to Power with Adam Barringer of SoNapa Grille

Get ready for an inspiring episode of The Restaurant Coach Podcast, where we dive into a transformative journey with Adam Barringer, the dynamic founder of SoNapa Grille. Adam not only elevated his restaurant with the TRC Method™ but was so revolutionized by its impact that he became a Certified Restaurant Coach™ himself!

What’s Cooking in This Episode?

Join us as we explore:

  • The Transformation: How Adam integrated the TRC Method™ at SoNapa Grille and the incredible cultural and financial uplift experienced, boasting a 12% profit increase in just eight months (from 2%).
  • The Decision to Coach: Moved by the method’s effectiveness, Adam transitioned from practitioner to mentor, aiming to guide other restaurateurs on the same successful path.
  • Insights and Inspirations: Adam shares actionable advice and the profound personal and professional impacts of adopting the TRC Method™.

Why Tune In? This episode is a must-listen for anyone in the restaurant industry looking to reshape their business model, enhance their operational culture, and significantly boost profitability. Learn from Adam’s firsthand experiences and discover how you can also reap the benefits of the TRC Method™.

Subscribe to The Restaurant Coach Podcast for this and more stories that not only motivate but also equip you with the tools to excel.

Stay Ahead of the Game Interested in how the TRC Method™ can revolutionize your restaurant? Join our FREE 2-hour Masterclass at www.RestaurantCoachMasterclass.com and get started on your journey to becoming a top-performing restaurateur.

Explore www.RestaurantGrowth.com for more on how we’re taking restaurant coaching to the next level.

Listen, Learn, and Leap Adam Barringer’s story is not just inspiring; it’s a roadmap to success. Tune in and transform your approach with proven strategies that elevate your establishment from ordinary to extraordinary. This is your moment to shine in the restaurant world. Listen now!

Episode 139 – Balancing Life and Profits with Angela Hepler

Ever feel like running your restaurant is running you into the ground? You’re not alone. This week on The Restaurant Coach Podcast, we’re diving into a game-changing conversation with Angela Hepler, a Certified Restaurant Coach™ who’s mastered the art of balancing a thriving, profitable restaurant without letting it take over your life.

Angela uses the transformative TRC Method™, proven in over 2800 restaurants, to shift from daily grind to strategic growth and personal well-being. 🌟

What to Expect:

  • Uncover Angela’s secrets to implementing mindfulness in the chaos of the restaurant world.
  • Discover actionable strategies for stepping back without stepping away from profitability.
  • Learn how to be present, mindful, and still kick ass in the industry.

Plus, we’re excited to share details about our upcoming partnership with Restaurant Growth and the launch of The Restaurant Accelerator™ 2.0 Coaching Program. This is your pathway to not just owning a restaurant, but owning your life as well.

Tune in to find out how to transform your restaurant into a business that thrives, allowing you to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Ready to elevate your restaurant game?

Join our FREE 2-hour Masterclass at www.RestaurantCoachMasterclass.com or explore www.RestaurantGrowth.com for more on how we’re taking restaurant coaching to the next level.

Don’t let your restaurant dream own you. It’s time to own your dream. Listen now!

Episode 138 – Why Working IN Your Restaurant Isn’t Working

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach™ Podcast, it IS the cure for the common restaurant.

Are you feeling ensnared in the relentless grind of daily operations at your eatery? You’re not alone. Many restaurant owners find themselves stuck in a loop, constantly working IN their business, which ultimately stunts their growth and hampers profitability. However, there’s a silver lining, and in our latest episode, we tackle this pervasive issue head-on.

Transitioning from operations to ownership isn’t just a shift in tasks; it’s a complete paradigm shift in how you view and run your restaurant. This change is crucial for scaling up, boosting profits, and reigniting your passion for the hospitality industry. We’re here to guide you through actionable strategies that can facilitate this essential transition.

Why This Transition Is Essential

Staying entrenched in day-to-day tasks not only exhausts you but also prevents you from seeing the bigger picture. Without the space to strategize and innovate, your restaurant’s growth is capped. Shifting towards a more ownership-centric role allows you to apply your vision more effectively, laying down the groundwork for a thriving, scalable business.

Strategies to Make the Shift

  1. Empower Your Team: Build a reliable management team to handle daily operations. Trust and delegation are key to freeing up your time for bigger projects.
  2. Implement Robust Systems: Systems are the lifelines of a successful operation. With the right processes in place, your restaurant can operate smoothly, even in your absence.
  3. Prioritize Growth: Use your newfound bandwidth to focus on expansion strategies, be it through enhancing your current setup, opening new locations, or exploring franchising.
  4. Refine the Guest Experience: Step back to view your restaurant from a guest’s perspective. This vantage point is invaluable for making tweaks that significantly enhance the dining experience.
  5. Invest in Personal and Professional Growth: With the operational weight lifted, invest time in your growth. Engage with industry leaders, attend seminars, and stay updated on trends to keep your business at the cutting edge.

Embarking on Your Journey

Making the leap from day-to-day operations to strategic ownership is both a challenge and an adventure. It demands a change in mindset, a readiness to relinquish control over the minutiae, and a dedication to driving your restaurant towards a brighter, more profitable future.

Dive into this episode for an in-depth discussion on these strategies and begin your transformation from an overworked operator to a visionary owner. The path to elevating your restaurant begins now.


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Get my latest book Savage Restaurant Success!

Episode 137 – 10 Shocking Lessons From Restaurant Coaching

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the CURE for the common restaurant.

Discover the game-changing lessons I’ve gained from coaching over 2800 restaurants over the last 14 years!

In this episode, I share invaluable insights gleaned from coaching diverse restaurants worldwide.

From the importance of knowing your numbers and core values to tackling bad hiring habits, time management, and marketing strategies, these lessons will redefine your approach to restaurant management. Learn from real stories, avoid common pitfalls, and elevate your restaurant game! If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending your time working on the business rather than in it, then…

Subscribe and gear up for a strategic overhaul of your restaurant business, courtesy of The Restaurant Coach™️


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Episode 136 – Profit Pitfalls: The Biggest Blunders That Restaurants Make

🎙️ Welcome to The Restaurant Coach™️ Podcast, it IS the cure for the common restaurant.

Strap in, restaurant warriors. Today, we’re embarking on a reconnaissance mission into the treacherous terrain of the restaurant business. The battlefield is fraught with hidden dangers that can sabotage your success and obliterate your bottom line. Here’s a covert peek at just a few of the 19 insidious profit pitfalls that are laying in wait to ensnare unwary restaurateurs.


1. The Great Food Cost Illusion:

  • Mismanaging your food costs is like letting a fox guard the henhouse. Unchecked, it’ll devour your profits piece by piece until there’s nothing left but bones.

2. The Menu Behemoth:

  • An overloaded menu isn’t just a diner’s dilemma; it’s a logistical nightmare. Streamlining is not just chic; it’s efficient, cost-effective, and sanity-saving.

3. Training on the Back Burner:

  • Neglecting staff training is akin to fielding a team of rookies against the seasoned pros. The result? A game lost in customer service, efficiency, and morale.

4. Ghost Marketing:

  • Assuming your restaurant’s awesomeness will ‘just get out there’ is like whispering in a hurricane. If your marketing isn’t making waves, you’re drowning in obscurity.

5. The Guest Experience Black Hole:

  • Overlook the guest experience, and watch your reputation get sucked into the void. In the age of viral reviews, this is one black hole from which there’s no return.

Intel Briefing:

Feeling the adrenaline yet? Good. Because there’s more where that came from. We’ve got 14 more profit-draining booby traps to unveil, each one a lesson in what NOT to do if you want your restaurant to not just survive, but thrive.

Mission Brief:

Dare to join us as we deep-dive into each of these profit pitfalls? We’re not just pointing out landmines; we’re handing you the map and the tools to navigate through them. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves transforming these pitfalls into stepping stones towards your restaurant’s financial fortitude.

Subscribe and gear up for a strategic overhaul of your restaurant business, courtesy of The Restaurant Coach™️.

Show Links:


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Grab my FREE Menu Design Training


Episode 135 – 5 Menu Pricing Hacks

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach™ Podcast, it is the CURE for the common restaurant.

Do you want to learn the secrets of menu pricing?

In this episode, I will share the 5 game-changing tips to ensure you win the menu pricing game once and for all. If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending your time working on the business rather than in it, then…


Subscribe for more straight-shooting advice and transformative strategies.

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Episode 134 – Building a Service Team That Doesn’t Suck!

If you’re ready to transform your restaurant, boost revenue, and step into a leadership role instead of being buried in day-to-day operations, then this episode is your game-changer!

In this session of The Restaurant Coach Podcast, I unveil a powerful 5-step plan to create a service team that not only excels but dominates your market.

From understanding your role as a leader to the crucial practice sessions, we’re diving deep into building a team that stands out.

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending your time working on the business rather than in it..book a call with me.


Subscribe for more straight-shooting advice and transformative strategies.

Show Links:

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Grab the Audio Book of Your Restaurant Sucks

Episode 132 – 5 Things Your Staff Hates About You

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, the cure for the common restaurant.

Leadership in the restaurant industry is not for the faint of heart. It’s a constant battle, a dance with a beast that can either make you a hero or leave you in the dust. And while you’re out there, loving every moment of this wild ride, including the team you often find yourself complaining about, it’s time for some hard truths.

Yes, we all have our moments of fantasizing about drastic measures when the pressure mounts, but did you know your team might be doing the same about you? Behind the dedication and hard work, there are certain… let’s call them “leadership habits,” that your team desperately wishes you’d drop.


Here’s what you need to know before you become an unwitting star on a milk carton:

  1. Your Chronic Lateness:
    • Nothing screams hypocrisy louder than enforcing rules you casually break. Remember, respect starts with self-respect and punctuality.
  2. Playing Favorites:
    • This isn’t a reality TV show where you need to pick a favorite contestant. In the real world, favoritism only breeds resentment and disrupts team dynamics.
  3. Banker’s Hours Syndrome:
    • Leadership isn’t a 9-5 job. Being visible, especially during peak times, shows commitment and earns you respect. Don’t be the leader who disappears when the going gets tough.
  4. The Office Hermit:
    • If your team suspects you’re more interested in your office’s wall décor than the restaurant’s operations, it’s time to step out. Leadership is about presence, not seclusion.
  5. Fear of Firing:
    • Holding onto underperformers out of fear or indecision doesn’t just hurt your restaurant; it undermines your authority and poisons the team culture.

What This Means for You:

Recognizing these uncomfortable truths is the first step towards becoming the leader your restaurant needs. It’s about more than just avoiding being the topic of disgruntled staff chatter; it’s about embodying the leadership qualities that inspire loyalty, respect, and high performance.

🔗Discover Warrior Restaurants

This episode serves as a wake-up call. Are you ready to make the necessary changes, or will you continue riding the bull, hoping for the best? The choice is yours, but remember, true leadership requires action, accountability, and a willingness to grow.

Subscribe for more straight-shooting advice and transformative strategies.

Show Links:

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session to learn about TRC METHOD

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