Tag Archives: masterminds

Episode 132 – 5 Things Your Staff Hates About You

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, the cure for the common restaurant.

Leadership in the restaurant industry is not for the faint of heart. It’s a constant battle, a dance with a beast that can either make you a hero or leave you in the dust. And while you’re out there, loving every moment of this wild ride, including the team you often find yourself complaining about, it’s time for some hard truths.

Yes, we all have our moments of fantasizing about drastic measures when the pressure mounts, but did you know your team might be doing the same about you? Behind the dedication and hard work, there are certain… let’s call them “leadership habits,” that your team desperately wishes you’d drop.


Here’s what you need to know before you become an unwitting star on a milk carton:

  1. Your Chronic Lateness:
    • Nothing screams hypocrisy louder than enforcing rules you casually break. Remember, respect starts with self-respect and punctuality.
  2. Playing Favorites:
    • This isn’t a reality TV show where you need to pick a favorite contestant. In the real world, favoritism only breeds resentment and disrupts team dynamics.
  3. Banker’s Hours Syndrome:
    • Leadership isn’t a 9-5 job. Being visible, especially during peak times, shows commitment and earns you respect. Don’t be the leader who disappears when the going gets tough.
  4. The Office Hermit:
    • If your team suspects you’re more interested in your office’s wall décor than the restaurant’s operations, it’s time to step out. Leadership is about presence, not seclusion.
  5. Fear of Firing:
    • Holding onto underperformers out of fear or indecision doesn’t just hurt your restaurant; it undermines your authority and poisons the team culture.

What This Means for You:

Recognizing these uncomfortable truths is the first step towards becoming the leader your restaurant needs. It’s about more than just avoiding being the topic of disgruntled staff chatter; it’s about embodying the leadership qualities that inspire loyalty, respect, and high performance.

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This episode serves as a wake-up call. Are you ready to make the necessary changes, or will you continue riding the bull, hoping for the best? The choice is yours, but remember, true leadership requires action, accountability, and a willingness to grow.

Subscribe for more straight-shooting advice and transformative strategies.

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Episode 131 – 4 Marketing Myths You Need To Abandon NOW!

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, it is the cure for the common restaurant.

In our latest episode, we’re smashing some of the biggest marketing myths that have been holding back restaurants and bars. I’m Donald Burns, The Restaurant Coach, and it’s time to expose these myths for what they are – total BS.


Myth #1: Big Money Equals Effective Marketing

  • Busted: You don’t need to break the bank to make an impact. Forget generic social media posts; it’s about being creative, courageous, and a little weird. Think about it: a wing warrior challenge or a seductive wing-eating video will grab attention way more than a standard wings and beer photo.

Myth #2: Marketing Creates Your Brand

  • Busted: No amount of marketing can fix a bad brand. Your brand is your core values, your purpose, and the emotions you evoke. Marketing is just the messenger. Remember: People buy why you do it, not what you do.

Myth #3: Instant Marketing Results

  • Busted: Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Think of it as planting seeds for a future harvest. Post daily, engage with your audience, and give it time to mature. Expecting instant results is like expecting a tidal wave from a pebble.

Myth #4: Facebook Is All You Need

  • Busted: Relying solely on Facebook for marketing? Time to diversify. Explore Instagram, IGTV, and don’t underestimate the power of a good old email blast. And remember, video content is king.

Breaking Free from the BS

  • Becoming better at marketing means ditching outdated tactics and embracing the truth. You’ve got the myths busted now; it’s time to take action with these newfound insights.

🔗Discover Warrior Restaurants

Are you ready to break free from the same old ineffective marketing strategies and start seeing real results? Join us in this episode for a no-nonsense approach to revamping your restaurant or bar’s marketing strategy.

Subscribe for more straight-shooting advice and transformative strategies.

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Episode 130 – Why Your 80 Hour Workweek is Stupid

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, the cure for the common restaurant.

In our latest eye-opening episode, we’re tackling a taboo yet critical topic in the restaurant industry – the glorification of the 80-hour workweek. It’s time for a hard-hitting reality check: your 80-hour workweek is not just exhausting; it’s downright stupid.


Breaking Down the Myth:

The industry has long worn the 80-hour workweek as a badge of honor, a testament to dedication and hard work. But at what cost? We delve into the physical, mental, and emotional toll this unsustainable work culture takes on restaurant owners and their teams.

The Cost of Overworking:

  • Physical and Mental Health: Long hours on your feet, stress, and lack of sleep are a recipe for disaster.
  • Personal Relationships: When was the last time you had a meaningful interaction with your loved ones?
  • Business Blindness: Being overworked can lead to poor decision-making and a lack of innovation.

Smarter Not Harder:

This episode isn’t just about highlighting the problem; it’s about offering solutions. Learn how to:

  • Streamline Operations: Implement systems that work so you don’t have to overwork.
  • Delegate Effectively: Understand the art of delegation and why it’s crucial for your business and personal well-being.
  • Find Balance: Realign your priorities to find a balance between work, life, and health.

Beyond Business with Warrior Restaurants:

But success isn’t just about running a smooth operation; it’s about mastering a lifestyle that goes beyond the kitchen. That’s where Warrior Restaurants comes in. This revolutionary program is not just another coaching session; it’s a holistic approach to transforming every aspect of your life.


  • Your body as a source of energy and vitality, not just a stress container.
  • A mindset built for achieving dreams, not just daydreaming.
  • Quality time with family, free from the shackles of constant restaurant demands.
  • Building real, lasting wealth, not just making ends meet.

🔗 Discover Warrior Restaurants

Join the Movement:

This isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality for those brave enough to take the leap with Warrior Restaurants. In today’s episode, we’ll give you a taste of what it’s like to be on this transformative journey.

It’s time to redefine what it means to be successful, both in your restaurant and in life. Let’s dive into the call and set you on the path to success, balance, and fulfillment.

Show Links:

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session to learn about TRC METHOD

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Episode 129 – Transform Your Restaurant with The 3P Framework

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast, the cure for the common restaurant.

Today’s episode is all about shattering the norms of stress and overwhelm in the restaurant industry. We’re diving deep into the world of systematic success with a special focus on my TRC Method™️ and its backbone – the 3P Framework.

Transforming Chaos into Success:

The 3P Framework isn’t just another tool; it’s a lifeline for those drowning in the chaos of restaurant management. It offers clarity, organization, and prioritization, turning overwhelming tasks into achievable steps. In this episode, I’m inviting you to an exclusive Restaurant Masterminds call where we explore how this framework can streamline your operations and guide you towards unequivocal success.

Beyond Business with Warrior Restaurants:

But success isn’t just about running a smooth operation; it’s about mastering a lifestyle that goes beyond the kitchen. That’s where Warrior Restaurants comes in. This revolutionary program is not just another coaching session; it’s a holistic approach to transforming every aspect of your life.


  • Your body as a source of energy and vitality, not just a stress container.
  • A mindset built for achieving dreams, not just daydreaming.
  • Quality time with family, free from the shackles of constant restaurant demands.
  • Building real, lasting wealth, not just making ends meet.

🔗 Discover Warrior Restaurants

Join the Movement:

This isn’t just a dream; it’s a reality for those brave enough to take the leap with Warrior Restaurants. In today’s episode, we’ll give you a taste of what it’s like to be on this transformative journey.

It’s time to redefine what it means to be successful, both in your restaurant and in life. Let’s dive into the call and set you on the path to success, balance, and fulfillment.

Show Links:

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session to learn about TRC METHOD

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Episode 128 – Profit, Fears and Change with Kasey Anton

Hold on tight because we’re about to break some outdated business models! I am thrilled to welcome Kasey Anton, the mastermind behind Spark Business Consulting and the acclaimed author of Profit First for Restaurants“. Kasey brings over two decades of expertise in guiding small business owners, especially in the restaurant industry, to foster successful growth and financial habits.

What You’ll Learn:

  1. Transforming Your Financial Mindset: Kasey discusses how shifting the way you view money and profits can fundamentally change your business’s trajectory.
  2. Mastering Your Business Model: Delve into the nuances of a successful restaurant business model, and understand how to tweak it for optimal results.
  3. Rekindling Your Passion for Business: Learn how to fall back in love with your business and keep the flame alive through the ups and downs.
  4. Building Your Dream Company: Kasey shares actionable steps and well-established systems to help you construct the business you’ve always aspired to run.
  5. ‘Profit First’ Methodology: Explore the unique approach of the ‘Profit First’ system, tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of the restaurant industry.

📌 Key Takeaways:

  • “Profit isn’t something that just happens – it’s a choice you make every day in how you manage your business.”
  • “Understanding your business model isn’t just about numbers; it’s about aligning your passion with your financial goals.”
  • “Falling in love with your business means committing to understanding every aspect of it, especially the financials.”

About Our Guest:

Kasey Anton is not only a beacon of knowledge in business consulting but also an inspiration for many restaurateurs struggling to find their financial footing. With her book, “Profit First for Restaurants”, she’s changed the narrative around profitability in the hospitality industry.


This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for any restaurant owner looking to make informed, strategic decisions that drive profitability. Kasey’s insights are not just theoretical; they are practical, actionable, and proven.

Don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes that bring you closer to the restaurant success you’ve been working towards!

#ProfitFirst #RestaurantSuccess #KaseyAnton #FinancialWisdom #PodcastUpdate

Show Links:

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session to learn about TRC METHOD

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Episode 127 – To Be Unstoppable, You Must Be Unfuckwithable

Welcome to The Restaurant Coach Podcast – it’s the cure for the common restaurant. In this unapologetically raw episode, we’re diving deep beneath the surface of what makes or breaks not just your restaurant, but your life.

Are you ready to confront the skeletons in your closet? To challenge the hidden truths you’ve been ignoring about your business, health, relationships, and mindset? This episode is about shedding light on those dark corners and starting the journey towards truly having it all.

Introducing ‘Warrior Restaurants‘ – my bold, new coaching program set to launch in January 2024, and the accompanying book ‘Savage Restaurant Success‘. This isn’t for the complacent. It’s for those who are driven, hungry for change, and ready to dominate their market while transforming their personal lives.

I’ll also be giving you a taste of what’s to come with a chapter from my second book, “Your Restaurant Still Sucks”, read by the award-winning narrator Sean Pratt. This chapter, ‘Be Unfuckwithable’, is the cornerstone of what helped me revolutionize my mindset during my toughest times in the restaurant industry.

🎧 Tune in now and ask yourself: Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? To become unfuckwithable in your life and business? Listen, reflect, and decide if you’re ready to join the ranks of Warrior Restaurants. If you are, then join the movement at www.WarriorRestaurants.com

Show Links:

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session to learn about TRC METHOD

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Grab the Audio Book of Your Restaurant Sucks

Episode 126 – How To Spot The Food Cost Thieves Stealing Your Profits


I want to talk about a serious topic that most restaurant owners ignore: Food Costs. Yes, I know they are a pain in the ass to do.

Costing out recipes is not fun. Well, some people do find them fun and those people are very rare! For the majority of restaurant owners, it a thorn in your side and you avoid like the plague.

Here’s the good news, bad news.

Bad news, if you don’t like doing food costing you won’t like what I am about to tell you…you must know the cost of everything on your menu.

Now the good news…knowing one key thing known as theoretical food costs and knowing your actual food costs is like finding a gold mine under your restaurant! So, today, I want to take you into a workshop that I do with my Restaurant Accelerator™ Coaching members. In their coaching program they follow what all my coaching programs follow known as The Restaurant Coach™ Method. The Restaurant Accelerator™ Program just goes a little deeper down the rabbit hole of theory, frameworks and implementation. This workshop you’re going to listen to is from Food Cost Bootcamp which is 8 workshops in total that give them a solid foundation into getting their food cost under control! So sit back and jump into to Food Cost Bootcamp and The 40 Thieves that Steal Your Profits!

Show Links:

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Episode 125 – Leasing Logic & Mastering the Life-Work Dance with Kyle Inserra

Dive deep into the unfiltered world of restaurant growth with the guru himself, Kyle Inserra.

From the shimmering successes of Polpettina and LA LA Taqueria, there’s more than what meets the eye. This episode peels back the curtain on the gritty realities of lease due diligence. Think that prime spot’s a golden ticket? Kyle’s got a few tales to make you think twice. And if you’re caught in the never-ending tango of work-life balance, prepare for a fresh beat.

Kyle challenges us to ditch the balance and embrace the rhythm of life-work integration. With raw anecdotes, hard-hitting advice, and a no-nonsense approach, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to carve their niche in the cutthroat world of hospitality. Buckle up, it’s time to go beyond the sizzle.

Show Links:

Book A 1:1 Success Strategy Session to learn about TRC METHOD

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Episode 124 – The 6 Critical Systems You MUST Have To Thrive

Hey there, restaurant trailblazers!  Ever wished for an insider’s look into the secret sauce that drives the most successful establishments? Today’s your lucky day! This episode offers a rare, behind-the-scenes peek into my exclusive coaching program for Restaurant Owners ONLY – Restaurant Masterminds.

Are you running your restaurant, or is it running you? The difference often lies in the systems you have (or don’t have) in place.

We’re diving deep into the six mission-critical systems that form the backbone of Restaurant Masterminds:

1️⃣ Core Value/Mission Card – Nail down your WHY.
2️⃣ Integrated Training System – Elevate consistency and quality.
3️⃣ Food Costing – Boost profits without compromising the experience.
4️⃣ Marketing Calendar – Plan promotions to always stay in the limelight.
5️⃣ Weekly Budgets/P&L – Drive decisions with real-time data.
6️⃣ The 6 Critical KPIs – The heartbeat of your restaurant’s success.

Too many establishments operate without these systems, leaving gaps in their armor. Don’t be one of them!

Tune in to dissect each system, grasp its role, and crucially, discover how to wield them to their maximum potential. 📈

Remember, it’s not just having the arsenal, but mastering its deployment. Dive in for your masterclass!

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Save Your Seat at The Restaurant Success Summit 2023 in OCTOBER!

Episode 123 – Breaking the Grind: Chef Adam Lamb on Redefining Kitchen Culture

In the world of culinary arts, the dance between passion and pressure is eternal. But what happens when the rhythm gets disrupted? When the voice of doubt becomes louder than the sizzle of the grill? Today’s episode is all about rediscovering that harmony.

Join me, Donald Burns, as I sit down with the extraordinary Chef Adam Lamb. With three decades in the game, Chef Lamb delves deep into the core of the kitchen world, its highs and lows, and how he rediscovered the essence of why he first donned the chef’s hat.

From monumental mistakes to awe-inspiring achievements, Adam’s journey is one of resilience, redemption, and redefinition. Learn how he’s coaching chefs to break free from the grind and truly find their flow.


  • The transformative journey of Chef Adam Lamb
  • The battle between emotional intelligence and the kitchen’s heat
  • Crafting a kitchen culture that’s demanding but not demeaning
  • Sneak peek into Chef Adam’s sessions at the upcoming Restaurant Success Summit

Show Links:

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Save Your Seat at The Restaurant Success Summit 2023 in OCTOBER!