Monthly Archives: July 2024

Episode 150 – Distractions ARE the Devil

Ready to 4X your restaurant’s revenue?

Join MY FREE 90-Minute Masterclass

In the chaotic battlefield of the restaurant world, distractions attack from every angle like relentless mosquitoes.

But the harsh truth? If you let them run rampant, you’re signing your death warrant and watching your business drown in mediocrity.

This is a wake-up call to embrace ruthless prioritization – the edge that separates those who rise above the noise from those swallowed by it.

I’ll share battle-tested strategies to sharpen your focus like a razor, deploy your resources with surgical precision, and reclaim your throne as the master of your destiny.

From developing a crystal-clear vision to unleashing the 80/20 rule and mastering deep work, you’ll learn to wield focus as your ultimate weapon.

Say goodbye to juggling a dozen flaming swords and hello to grabbing the bull by the horns.

It’s time to carve your path to restaurant domination by cutting through the cacophony of distractions.

Are you ready to ignite the fire that’ll consume the competition?

Free Training inside TRC Vault!

►Want to learn more about Warrior Restaurants CONQUEST Path? Watch the short film!

Want to Beat Burnout? It’s All About The FUEL YOU GIVE YOUR BODY!

I just launched the first supplement line for the restaurant lifestyle…Welcome to Limitless Fuel!

If you want the full playbook on how to grow your restaurant to 4X revenue, and finally move to spending time working on the business rather than in it, then…
